Labor Camp Study Room : D
Custom built objects, software, electronics, clocks, sound
Installation at the LABoral Centro de Arte y Creacion Industrial, Gijon, Spain
October 22, 2009-April 5, 2010
The fourth installment in the ongoing series of Labor Camp Study Rooms. The Study Room: D consists of 4 wall mounted panels with physical interfaces allowing the users to meander through the selections from vast database of historical voice recordings. Constructed with custom software, hardware and various electronics, the work offers an opportunity for both: the study, as well as manipulation of archival audio artifacts. Study Rooms are often presented in relation to other Labor Camp projects, and Study Room: D provides direct references and insight into the "White Star Cluster" installation.
If we consider history through sound, we can identify moments of harmony and true beauty--and appreciate them even more--when punctuated by eruptions of discord or slow crescendos of chaos.
The external energies of reality, and the internal storms of our private humanity remain tentatively separated by the fragile boundary of our skin. We are a vulnerable membrane vibrating, trapped between the onslaught of time and the gravity of silence. As an eternal orchestra performing an endless song of the in-between, constructing our own histories: a task from which we can not be freed.
Generous support from the LABoral Centro de Arte y Creacion Industrial is gratefully acknowledged.
Fig. 01 : Study Room D : detail of Panel No. 3
Fig. 02 : Study Room D : Panel operation
Fig. 03 : Study Room D : Individual Panels 1, 2, 3, 4
Fig. 04 : Study Room D : installation view
Additional materials:
Labor Camp Study Room: A / B
Labor Camp Study Room: C
Labor Camp Study Room videos
Manure and Poetry: An Evening with the Labor Camp Orchestra
White Star Cluster Project.